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Sam's Dance Resources

Average Rating3.35
(based on 23 reviews)

Spend less time planning and more time enjoying teaching by downloading my tried and tested Dance resources. Choose from individual resources or make great savings with my bundle offers! I am a secondary school Dance teacher and have been teaching Dance since 2012. During my teaching career I have also had the pleasure of teaching Dance in primary schools and have trained both primary and secondary school teachers. Happy Browsing!




Spend less time planning and more time enjoying teaching by downloading my tried and tested Dance resources. Choose from individual resources or make great savings with my bundle offers! I am a secondary school Dance teacher and have been teaching Dance since 2012. During my teaching career I have also had the pleasure of teaching Dance in primary schools and have trained both primary and secondary school teachers. Happy Browsing!
KS4 AQA GCSE Dance Revision – Component 2: 12 mark questions

KS4 AQA GCSE Dance Revision – Component 2: 12 mark questions

KS4 AQA GCSE Dance Revision – Component 2: 12 mark questions This resource has been designed for teachers of GCSE dance revising the dance anthology in preparation for the written exam. This lesson has been created to provide a way for dance students to revise in a fun and interactive way. There are many ways to use this resource: Make it into a game: print out the 1st slide and cut the boxes out. Pupils can pick the boxes at random and have a go at answering the questions on the second slide. Differentiation: You can pre pick the questions prior to the lesson based on your pupil’s strengths and areas of weakness to challenge your pupils appropriately. Print out the 2nd slide for them with their differentiated question on. Whole class activity: As a class decide on a question to tackle and discuss the question together before allowing the pupils to have a go at writing their answers. Homework revision: Print out the PowerPoint for your pupils to allow them to practice the 12 mark questions at home. Enjoy!
BTEC Performing Arts Unit 1 Kenrick Sandy and Emancipation of Expressionism Dance Research Journal

BTEC Performing Arts Unit 1 Kenrick Sandy and Emancipation of Expressionism Dance Research Journal

This is a resource for teachers of Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Performing Arts Unit 1: Exploring the Performing Arts choosing to study Kenrick Sandy and Emancipation of Expressionism for one of their practitioners. This resource is intended to be used after delivering my ‘L2 BTEC Performing Arts Unit 1 Introduction to Kenrick Sandy and Emancipation of Expressionism’ scheme of learning. This resource includes 6 x 1-2 hour lessons/practical workshops to guide your BTEC Performing Arts pupils though the information they need to include in their dance research journal once the assignment brief is launched. Each lesson/workshop is complete with bell activities, TIF tasks and homework tasks. All homework tasks link to the dance research journal that pupils need to submit in accordance to the assignment brief. (Please note, the pupils I teach and use this resource with have 2 teachers. I plan and deliver lessons on one dance practitioner – Kenrick Sandy. The other teacher plans and delivers lessons on 2 drama practitioners. This resource covers just what I deliver and therefore only covers 1 practitioner). All YouTube video links used as well as general lesson guidance can be found in the notes section underneath each PowerPoint slide.
KS1 Dance - Rainforest Animals/Carnival SOL

KS1 Dance - Rainforest Animals/Carnival SOL

UPDATED AND IMPROVED ON 03/10/2021 This resource is for KS1 teachers teaching dance through the Physical Education part of the national curriculum during the topic of rainforests (or any topic connected to rainforests, Brazil, carnival or celebration). This ‘Rainforest Animals/Carnival’ SOL allows pupils to discover Brazil in a fun, exciting and an imaginative way. During the first 3 lessons of this scheme of learning, pupils will learn about the animals that live in the Amazon Rainforest, which they will use as a stimulus for choreography. The following 3 lessons focuses on carnival, where pupils will be able to take part in their own carnival parade. At the end of this scheme of learning, pupils will have a performance piece that they can perform in an assembly or for parents. This SOL comes with: 6 lesson plans, detailing the activities in each lesson along with coaching points to aid teaching. A 6 lesson PowerPoint including notes under each slide to help with the delivery of the lesson. A document with the pictures of each of the rainforest animals to be explored. These can be printed and laminated to hand out to groups so that they know which animal they have been assigned to. A CPD document that should help with aspects of teaching dance that a none dance specialist might find helpful. Notes: The timings of the lesson and the activities within the lesson plans can of course be adapted. Activities can be changed, lengthened, shortened, taken out, differentiated etc. Feel free to adapt this resource to suit your own needs as well as the needs of the children. Feel free to use your own music. I used Rainforest sounds and ‘Beautiful Creatures’ from the Rio 2 soundtrack on YouTube. I loved teaching this SOL and I hope you do too. If you find it helpful, I would massively appreciate it if you could leave me a review :)
L2 BTEC Performing Arts Unit 1 Introduction to Kenrick Sandy and Emancipation of Expressionism

L2 BTEC Performing Arts Unit 1 Introduction to Kenrick Sandy and Emancipation of Expressionism

This is a resource for teachers of Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Performing Arts Unit 1: Exploring the Performing Arts choosing to study Kenrick Sandy and Emancipation of Expressionism for one of their practitioners. This resource includes 7 1-2 hour workshops (3 practical and 4 theory) That I created in the summer holidays and taught to my Y10s in the 1st half term of the school year. I found that it was a great way to introduce Kenrick and EofE before the assignment brief was officially launched. Each workshop is complete with bell activities and TIF tasks. Links to YouTube clips are provided. Some workshops include homework tasks. I created the 7 workshops with the unit 1 specification in mind, with my knowledge/experience of teaching EofE as part of the GCSE and my new found knowledge after reading the EofE Education pack available on the BoyBlue website. I refer to pages/sections from the education pack in some of the workshops. Please note, some of my activity ideas are not my own and are what has been suggested in the Boy Blue education pack. I do recommend that anyone teaching EofE, purchase the education pack alongside my resource. However, you will be able to teach all of the workshops I have provided even if you have not got a copy of the education pack.
Y6 Open Evening Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts Theme - Dance Idea

Y6 Open Evening Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts Theme - Dance Idea

We have our Year 6 open evening coming up and the whole school theme is ‘Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them’. The creative Arts department has decided to split up into the different Harry Potter houses to provide an interactive experience for the y6 pupils to get involved in. For dance I chose Ravenclaw House (As Ravenclaw is the best!) and in the dance studio a charms class will be taking place. A selection of Y10 and Y12 pupils will be working in pairs. One pupil having the wand and the other being controlled by the wand as if under a spell. As the wand moves around, the pupil ‘under the spell’ will move around mimicking the actions, dynamic and space that relates to the wands movements. After the Y6s have watched a demonstration, they will be able to take part either as the person controlling the wand or the one ‘under the spell’. The aim of the Charms lesson will be for pupils to learn how to control the movements of others with their wands. If they can learn to control the movements of others, they will be able to control the movements of fantastic beasts. In the background, a mixture of music featured in the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts films will be played and a mixture of blue and silver gel lights will be lit in the dance studio (for Ravenclaw) to create a magical ambiance. The Art department kindly made me 6 wands that I could use. In this resource there is a PowerPoint slide that you can project throughout the lesson. Feel free try this yourself, and let me know how it goes for you in the reviews. :)
Dance Studio Rules Poster

Dance Studio Rules Poster

I display the dance studio rules on the door of the dance studio and inside of the dance studio to remind pupils of the expectations within their dance lessons.
Y9 'All Around the World' Dance Home Learning Tasks (6 Weeks)

Y9 'All Around the World' Dance Home Learning Tasks (6 Weeks)

I have created this 6 week ‘All Around the World’ home learning project with the intention of setting my Year 9 dance class one task a week (while working from home due to COVID19), starting on the 1st June. Each week investigates dance related to a particular country/continent and throughout the project, pupils who engage with the task will develop skills and knowledge needed at KS4, whether pupils are planning to study BTEC or GCSE dance. If you think you will find it useful too, feel free to use it yourself :) (Note: TIF means Take It Further and is a challenge task)
KS3 Performance Year Plan with titles of SOW (New for 2018-2019)

KS3 Performance Year Plan with titles of SOW (New for 2018-2019)

This KS3 Performance year plan shows what I currently teach at Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9. I am a performance teacher (teaching Dance and Drama) but specialise in Dance and therefore create the schemes of work for Dance only. Each of my KS3 Dance Schemes of work can be found on TES resources. All of my KS3 resources include detailed lesson plans (including: aims, learning outcomes, time scale, resources, key words, level descriptors, lesson calendar, lesson objectives, starter activities (bell tasks)) and a delivery PowerPoint (including: lesson objectives, starter (bell activities), main tasks, talking points, success criteria, YouTube clips, games, level descriptors etc.) Some resources also include cover work material in the case of teacher absence. I hope my resources help and provide you with less time planning and more time enjoying teaching :)
L2 BTEC Performing Arts Unit 1 Presentation/Promotional Material lessons

L2 BTEC Performing Arts Unit 1 Presentation/Promotional Material lessons

This is a resource for teachers of Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Performing Arts Unit 1: Exploring the Performing Arts and are up to the presentation/promotional material task. This resource in intended to be used at a point where pupils have a good knowledge of the practitioners and repertoire that they are studying (preferably after the research journal task). This resource is a very general guide though what is needed in their presentations/ promotional material which is broken up into 6 lessons to chunk it down in easy to manage tasks. This resource references 3 performing arts practitioners: Kenrick Sandy (Dance), Mark Wheeller (Drama) and Frantic Assembly (Physical Theatre). However, this can be very easily adapted for your chosen practitioners.
KS3 Dance Year Plan with titles of SOW (2017 -2018)

KS3 Dance Year Plan with titles of SOW (2017 -2018)

This KS3 Dance year plan shows what I deliver at Year 7 and Year 8. All my SOW can be found on TES resources complete with 6 lesson delivery PowerPoints that include: starters, lesson objectives, homework tasks and assessment tasks. I have also created a bundle that include all of the KS3 SOW that I currently deliver. I hope they help and provide you with less time planning and more time enjoying teaching :)